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2021 Opti Nationals​

Young sailors from throughout The Islands of The Bahamas will come together for one of the most hotly contested competitions on the sailing calendar! The RNSC is proud to host the 2021 Opti Nationals


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2021 Nationals Logo 8.9.2021.jpg

Welcome to the Royal Nassau Sailing Club!

The home of the 2021Opti Nationals



We ask that all sailors preregister via our online form and pay via funds transfer.

At registration check-in bring your printed form and your proof of payment

(bank confirmation number).


Non-Sailors will be able to purchase their meals at registration desk.

We do accept credit & debit cards.


Alternatively, you can order from our restaurant menu - many delish options!

Registration Form
Fleet (age on first day of racing)
Youth Shirt Size
Adult Shirt Size


Early Registration – on or before December 31st, 2021              $100.00

Late Registration – on or after January 1st, 2022                          $130.00


Payment can be made to:

Royal Bank of Canada | Main Branch (05625)

For credit of: Royal Nassau Sailing Club | a/c 2816312

Ref: Opti Nat 2021 Fees: (Skippers Name)

Medical consent & Liability Release Agreement

In the event of accident, injury, or illness involving any child of mine, or any child in my care (specifically including the child named above as “Participant”), or myself, my spouse, or any other member of my family while participating in any activity sponsored by or under the auspices of The Royal Nassau Sailing Club, the Bahamas National Sailing School or the Bahamas Sailing Association (which three organizations are collectively referred to as “the said Organizations”), under circumstances where I am physically unable to consent, or am not present, I hereby voluntarily authorize and consent to the furnishing to the Participant, myself, my spouse, or any other member of my family, of such medical care, attention, and treatment by any hospital, clinic, physician or dentist as such hospital, clinic physician, or dentist may deem necessary or advisable, including x-ray examinations, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, or procedure.  I authorize any adult associated with the activity to consent to such medical care, attention, and treatment, I agree to pay the reasonable cost of such medical care, attention, or treatment and to indemnify and hold free and harmless, of and from, any and all liability for such cost the assisting adult, the said Organizations and their directors, officers, employees, members, and regatta volunteers.  It is understood that efforts shall be made to contact the undersigned prior to rendering treatment to the patient, but that any of the above treatment may be withheld if the undersigned can not be reached.

Emergency Information

In consideration of acceptance of the registration of the above “Participant” to participate in the regatta and recognizing the risks associated with the sport of sailing, the undersigned hereby waives all claims for personal injury and property damage and hereby indemnifies the said Organizations and all of their directors, officers, members, employees, regatta volunteers, and sponsors of and from any and all claims and liabilities of whatever kind, including those of negligence, which I or the “Participant” might have, arising out of participation in the regatta and all activities relating thereto.


By acknowledging and signing below, I am delivering an electronic signature that will have the same effect as an original manual paper signature.  The Electronic Signature will be equally as binding as an original manual paper signature.

Thanks for registering!

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Bahamas Optimist National Open Championship 2019


Saturday, January 29th – Sunday, January 30th, 2022

Organizing Authorities: Royal Nassau Sailing Club

 The Bahamas Optimist Class Association

Nassau, Bahamas


1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.

1.2 The class rules of the International Optimist Dinghy Association will apply.

1.3 The following prescriptions of BSA shall apply:

      a)    Racing Rules of Sailing PART 4 – Add under preamble:

              BSA prescribes that Part 4 rule 40 shall also apply to boats sailing to the race course from the launching area and vice-versa.

      b)    Rule 40 – Add below:

             BSA prescribes that competitors racing in single-handed dinghies shall wear personal floatation devices at all times while                        afloat except as provided in rule 40.

1.4 Racing rule 33 will be changed as follows: Legs of the course will not be changed after the preparatory signal. The sailing instructions may also change other racing rules.



2.1 Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority. If this rule is broken, World Sailing Regulation 20.9.2 applies.



3.1 The regatta is open to all boats of the Optimist class.

3.2 Competitors must be 15 years of age or younger on the first day of racing.

3.3 Competitors must be junior or associate members of the Bahamas Sailing Association or Club member of Club recognized by the BSA.

3.4 Non-Bahamian competitors are eligible as Open Competitors in Championship fleet and Green fleet, and will be eligible for Championship fleet prizes, except the “Geoffrey Holowesko Floating Champion
Trophy” which is awarded to Bahamian nationals and residents only.

3.5 Age groups for Championship Fleet:

White Fleet - 10 and under (on the first day of racing)

Blue Fleet - 11 and 12 (on the first day of racing)

Red Fleet - 13, 14, and 15 (on the first day of racing)



Registration is required for all competitors by 18:00 Friday, January 28th, 2022

4.1 Entrance fee is $100.00 per participant, on or before January 28th, 2022, in cash, check or bank transfer payable to the Royal Nassau Sailing Club. This covers all meals, a regatta shirt, registration pack and a quality weekend of fun and racing.

4.2 Late registration is $130.00 on or after December 30th, 2021.

4.3 At the time of registration a $5.00 fee is required for IODA (International Optimist Dinghy Association) membership.


5. Schedule

5.1 Dates of Registration and Racing:


Friday, January 28th, 2022:

16:00-18:00 - Registration at RNSC South Courtyard.

18:00-20:00 - Opening Ceremony – RNSC North Courtyard.


Saturday, January 29th, 2022:

07:30 - Breakfast at RNSC

08:30 - Skippers Meeting

10:00 - Warning Signal with race(s) to follow

18:30 - 21:00 - DINNER PARTY


Sunday, January 30th, 2022:

08:00 - Breakfast at RNSC

10:00 - Warning signal with race(s) to follow



5.2 The Race Committee will attempt to complete 7 races.

5.3 To alert boats that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, an orange flag will be displayed with one sound for at least five minutes before a warning signal is displayed.

5.4 On the last day of the regatta no warning signal will be made after 13:00.


6. Measurements

A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules and sailing instructions.


7. Sailing instructions

The sailing instructions will be available at and at RNSC notice boards.


8. Venue

8.1 The general racing area will be in the vicinity of Montague Bay, New Providence, Bahamas.

8.2 The exact locations of the courses will depend on the specific wind and sea conditions and are at the discretion of the Race Committee.


9. The Courses

The diagram in Attachment #1 show the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left. The course length and exact configuration will be based on the sailing conditions.


10. Penalty System

10.1 Appendix P will apply

10.2 Any competitor using a one/two turn(s) penalty shall report that use to the Race Committee promptly upon finishing that race.

10.3 The Jury Boat will be identified by displaying the code flag J.

10.4 In addition the application of Appendix P, the jury will observe racing for other rule infringements. When a protest committee member sees such an infringement, and no boat hails protest or takes an appropriate penalty, the protest committee member may make one sound, but no yellow flag will be pointed, and no sail number will be hailed. This signal means that one or more members of the protest committee believe a boat should take an appropriate penalty.

10.5 Rule P2.3 will not apply and rule P2.2 is changed so that it will apply to any penalty after the first one.

10.6 No protests shall be heard for the green fleet.


11. Scoring

11.1 The low point scoring system of Appendix A will apply.

11.2 Three races shall constitute a regatta.

11.3 When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 6 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.



Support boats shall be marked with a Flag given to them at registration.



Berthing will be available at both the Royal Nassau Sailing Club and the Nassau Yacht Club. Boats shall be kept in

their assigned places while they are at their assigned location.



Trophies shall be awarded to:

a) Top three finishers in Championship Fleet

b) Top three finishers in each Red, Blue and White Class

c) Top female in Championship Fleet

d) Top female in each Red, Blue and White fleet

e) Top three finishers in Green Fleet

f) Top female in Green Fleet

g) National Champion will be awarded the “Geoffrey Holowesko Floating Champion Trophy”


15.1 The Bahamas Sailing Association, Royal Nassau Sailing Club, The International Optimist Dinghy Class Association, The Bahamas Optimist Sailing Association and their officers, members and volunteers do not accept liability for loss of life or property, or personal injury or damage caused by or arising out of the Bahamas Optimist National Championship 2021 and competitors take part in the Championships entirely at their own risk. Rule 4.

15.2 The establishment of the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions in no way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of a competitor for the management of the boat he or she is sailing.

15.3 All competitors and support staff will be required to sign the hold Harmless Agreement.


Personal accident/health and third-party liability insurances are the sole responsibility of each competitor.



All information regarding this event is on the Regatta Website and electronic mail to be sent to         


Telephone contacts are:

  • Sean Raine & Nadine Raine – Committee Chair & Co-Chair

    • (242) 457-2433 / (242) 357-3462

  • Martina McSweeney – Registration

    • (242) 357-9253

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1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.

1.2 The class rules of the International Optimist Dinghy Association will apply.

1.3 The following prescriptions of BSA shall apply:

      a)    Racing Rules of Sailing PART 4 – Add under preamble:

BSA prescribes that Part 4 rule 40 shall also apply to boats sailing to the race course from the launching area and vice-versa.

      b)    Rule 40 – Add below:

BSA prescribes that competitors racing in single-handed dinghies shall wear personal floatation devices at all times while afloat except as provided in rule 40.


2. Notices to competitors

Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located at the Royal Nassau Sailing Club (RNSC) downstairs notice board.



Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted before 0900 on the day it will take effect, except that any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 2000 on the day before it will take effect.



4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed at RNSC Flag pole.

4.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 30 minutes’ in the race signal AP. (OR) Insert the number of minutes.

 4.2 Flag D with one sound means ‘The warning signal will be made not less than 30 minutes after flag D is displayed.  Boats are requested not to leave the RNSC dock area until this signal is made.


5. Schedule of races

5.1 Dates of Racing:

Saturday, January 29th, 2022:

10:00 Warning Signal for the first race of the day.

Additional race(s) to follow.

12:30 (approximately) Lunch at RNSC

13:30 Warning Signal for afternoon’s races.

Additional race(s) to follow.


Sunday, January 30th, 2022:

10:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day.

Additional race(s) to follow.

13:30 (approximately) Lunch at RNSC


5.2 The Race Committee will attempt to complete 7 races.

5.3 To alert boats that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, an orange flag will be displayed with one sound for at least five minutes before a warning signal is displayed.

5.4  On the last day of the regatta no warning signal will be made after 1300.



Class flags will be:

Class                                      Flag

Championship Fleet            Optimist Class Flag

Green Fleet                           Green Optimist Class Flag


7. Racing Areas

7.1 The general racing area will be in the vicinity of Montague Bay

7.2 The exact locations of the course will depend on the specific wind and sea conditions and are at the discretion of the Race Committee.


8. The Courses

8.1 The diagram in Appendix 1, Race Courses, shows the course for both the Championship  Fleet and the Green Fleet including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed and the side on which each mark is to be left.  The course length and exact configuration will be based on the sailing conditions.

8.2 When there is a gate, boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous mark and round either gate mark.

8.3 Legs of the course will not be changed after the preparatory signal. This changes rule 33.


9. Marks

9.1 The Start Mark for the Championship Fleet will be an orange teardrop buoy.

9.2 Marks 1, 2, 3s and 3p for the Championship Fleet will be yellow tetrahedron buoys.
9.3 The Finish Mark for the Championship Fleet will be orange teardrops buoy.
9.4 Green Fleet Marks will be described at the competitors meeting.


10. The Start

10.1 Start will be pursuant to rule 26.

10.2 The starting line for Championship Fleet will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the RC signal boat and the starting mark.

10.3 The starting line for Green Fleet will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the RC signal boat and the starting mark.

10.4 A boat starting later than 5 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start (DNS) without a hearing. This changes rule A4. (Championship Fleet Only)


11. The Finish

11.1 The finish line for the Championship Fleet and Green Fleet will be between the respective finish boat displaying an orange flag on a staff and the respective finish mark.

11.2 Boats that have finished shall keep clear of all boats racing.


12. Penalty System

12.1 Appendix P will apply

12.2 Any competitor using a one/two turn(s) penalty shall report that use to the Race Committee promptly upon finishing that race.

12.4 The Jury Boat will be identified by displaying the code flag J.

12.5 In addition the application of Appendix P, the jury will observe racing for other rule infringements. When a protest committee member sees such an infringement, and no boat hails protest or takes an appropriate penalty, the protest committee member may make one sound but no yellow flag will be pointed and no sail number will be hailed. This signal means that one or more members of the protest committee believe a boat should take an appropriate penalty.

12.4 Rule P2.3 will not apply and rule P2.2 is changed so that it will apply to any penalty after the first one.


13. Time Limit

13.1 The time limit shall be 60 minutes for the first boat in a race to finish.

13.2 Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF) without possibility of hearing. This changes rules 35 and A4.

13.3 There will be a 30 minute time limit for the first boat in a race to finish the first leg of the race.


14. Protests and Requests for Redress

14.1 Only competitors sailing in the Championship Fleet are allowed to protest or request for redress.

14.2 Competitors in the first half of the Green Fleet may be disqualified by Jury boat and/or Race Committee for blatant infractions to rules and SI, if they have not cleared themselves after being signaled to do so by whistle or otherwise.

14.3 RRS 61.1 (a) is modified in that, in addition to a hail of “Protest”, a competitor shall, immediately following the race in which the incident occurred, notify the RC finish boat of her intent to protest, including the sail number of the protested boat.

14.4 Protests shall be written on forms available at RNSC office. Completed protest forms shall be delivered to the jury desk no later than 60 minutes after the race committee finish boat docks. This time limit will be posted on the Official Notice Board.

14.5 Notice of hearings will be posted on the Official Notice Board. Hearings will be held as soon as possible after the end of the protest time limit. 

14.6  Reopening a Hearing - On the last day of racing a request for reopening a hearing shall be  delivered: (a) within the protest time limit if the party requesting reopening was informed of the  decision on the previous day; (b) no later than 30 minutes after the party requesting reopening  was informed of the decision on that day. This changes RRS 66.

14.7 A list of boats that, under instruction 14.5 have acknowledged breaking rule 42 or have been disqualified by the protest committee will be posted before the protest time limit.


15. Scoring

15.1 Three races shall constitute a regatta.

15.2 When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 6 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.


16. Safety 

16.1 Each competitor must have a whistle to alert support/safety boats in case of emergency or to request outside assistance.

16.2 Each boat must be equipped with at least one bailer properly secured to the boat by a rope or bungee cord.

16.3 Before the warning signal of the first race (morning and afternoon) all competitors must check-in with their respective (Championship or Green Fleet) Race Committee boat at the starboard end of the start line by sailing past the stern of the Committee boat on a starboard tack, by hailing her sail number and being acknowledged by the Race Committee with a return hail of her sail number.  The penalty for a violation of this instruction will be a 20% penalty applied as in RRS 44.3(c) to the competitor’s best finish on the day of the violation.

16.4 A boat retiring from a race shall notify the RC boat or safety boat before leaving the course area or notify the RC immediately upon returning to shore.

16.5 There is no restriction on the use of waterways by vessels not associated with the regatta. Any attempt by a boat to exercise right of way, to cross in close proximity to, or to interfere with the reasonable transit of the race area by commercial freighters, tugs and tows and other vessels which are unable to respond readily or which are bound by navigation restrictions will be grounds for a protest by the RC or the Protest Committee.  If such a protest occurs, the burden of proof is on the boat allegedly interfering. Boats shall take evasive action well in advance of any potentially dangerous situation.

16.6 It is the responsibility solely of the parent(s) or the adult representative of the competitor to decide if the child should sail in the weather and sea conditions that might arise during the event. Parents not personally attending any part of the event must ensure that another adult is prepared to make these decisions for their sailor. This changes rule 4.

16.7 Only the race committee or jury may protest a competitor for a violation of this section (Section 16) of the sailing instructions. This changes RRS 60.1.



17.1 Substitution of competitors will not be allowed.

17.2 Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will not be allowed unless authorized by the Race Committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.



A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules and sailing instructions. On the water, a boat can be instructed by a race committee equipment inspector or measurer to proceed immediately to a designated area for inspection.



Boats shall display event advertising supplied by the organizing authority as follows: Adhered to the bow or stern on boat.



Official boats will display an ‘OFFICIAL’ flag



Team leaders, coaches and other support personnel shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal for the first class to start until all boats have finished or retired or the race committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment.



This event is a Clean Event to promote environmental awareness and ocean conservation by the participants in this regatta. All sailors, coaches, families and friends are asked to help protect the environment on and off the water and to keep surroundings clean. Efforts will be made to limit plastics and non-biodegradable materials. Trash may be placed aboard support or official boats.



Prizes will be given as follows:

a) Top five finishers in Championship Fleet

b) Top five finishers in each Red, Blue and White Class

c) Top female in Championship Fleet

d) Top female in each Red, Blue and White Class

e) Top five finishers in Green Fleet

f) Top female in Green Fleet

g) National Champion will be awarded the “Geoffrey Holowesko Floating Champion Trophy”



Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

Sailing instructions


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Bahamas Sailing Association COVID-19 Protocols for Major Events should be viewed in advance and shall be abided by all Participants (competitors, support persons on site or in the racing area during the event, and race officials as defined or described in the Racing Rules of Sailing).


  • Participants travelling from other islands/countries shall (where applicable) provide the event organizers with a copy of their COVID test showing a negative result if such test is required by the Covid Regulations in place at the time of the Event.

  • Each participating club shall have at least one coach and one team representative. Both must be adults and shall ensure:

    • The ‘Team List’ indicating the names of all participants from their team (including the coach in charge, the team representative, any support persons on site or in the racing area during the event and all competitors from their club/team) is completed and presented to the person in charge of registration.

    • Their team members have masks and their own hand sanitization liquid.

    • Their team members abide by the COVID protocols.


A COVID-19 Questionnaire will be provided at Registration at RNSC and shall be completed for each Participant (competitor, support person intending to be or actually on site or in the racing area during the event, and race official) and presented to the persons in charge of registration along with written confirmation from each affiliated Club/Association/Coach that the Bahamas Sailing Association “COVID-19 Protocols for Competitions” have been complied with by each participant (competitor and support person intending to be or actually on site or in the racing area during the event) from their Club, Association or group .    

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